项目介绍 架构介绍
快速开始 快速开始
安装部署 安装部署
采集器 采集器
使用手册 使用手册
数据库表结构 数据库表结构
第1章:天降奇兵 第1章:天降奇兵
第2章:探索PromQL 第2章:探索PromQL
第3章:Prometheus告警处理 第3章:Prometheus告警处理
第4章:Exporter详解 第4章:Exporter详解
第5章:数据与可视化 第5章:数据与可视化
第6章:集群与高可用 第6章:集群与高可用
第7章:Prometheus服务发现 第7章:Prometheus服务发现
第8章:监控Kubernetes 第8章:监控Kubernetes
第9章:Prometheus Operator 第9章:Prometheus Operator

The inspection report feature can automatically generate a summary report of system operating status on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and regularly generate business operation-related dashboard reports (such as user growth, sales, etc.). Below, we will take the Linux daily monitoring dashboard as an example to configure the inspection report generation.

Pre-requirements for configuring inspection reports:

  1. Configure the SMTP protocol and test that SMTP can send emails successfully;
  2. Ensure the email addresses of the inspection report recipients are configured in advance and can receive emails properly;
  3. Pre-configure the dashboard for which the report is to be generated; Note: The business group of the dashboard must be the same as the business group for which the inspection report is to be generated;

Inspection Report 001

  1. Install prerequisite dependencies on the server (ignore this if using container deployment) Install the google-chrome-stable service. One method is to use yum install to install the service. During installation, there might be dependency upgrades and missing dependencies, as shown in the command line below. The second method is to download a relatively older version of the installation package and install it google-chrome-beta-110.0.5481.77-1.x86_64.rpm using the command yum install ./google-chrome-beta-110.0.5481.77-1.x86_64.rpm.
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo

# Copy the following content into this file:

yum -y install google-chrome-stable --nogpgcheck
# Install fonts to prevent Chinese character garbling
yum -y groupinstall Fonts
  1. Modify server configuration Configure the domain name used by n9e-plus, modify the n9e-plus configuration file etc/config.toml, and add the Nightingale address to the browser. After modifying the configuration, restart the service to apply the settings.
RunMode = "release"
# Configure the Domain settings for Nightingale's actual access address in the browser
Domain = "http://n9e.com" 

Once the above steps are completed, you can start configuring the inspection report.

Add a New Inspection Report Configuration

Select the dashboard —> Inspection Report —> Select Business Group —> Click “Add” in the upper right corner.

Note: The selected business group must be the same as the one where the dashboard is located. The inspection report cannot select dashboards across business groups.

Inspection Report 002

Configure the Inspection Report

Select the dashboard and its data source, the required business servers, and configure the sending cycle and recipients. Note: Recipients must be configured with emails that can receive messages normally.

Inspection Report 003

Save and test. If the configuration is correct, you will receive the inspection report.

Inspection Report 004

Troubleshooting Inspection Reports

If the inspection report is not received successfully, you can filter the keyword chrome in the ERROR.log to view related error information.

Inspection Report 005

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快猫星云 联系方式
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