项目介绍 架构介绍
快速开始 快速开始
安装部署 安装部署
采集器 采集器
使用手册 使用手册
数据库表结构 数据库表结构
第1章:天降奇兵 第1章:天降奇兵
第2章:探索PromQL 第2章:探索PromQL
第3章:Prometheus告警处理 第3章:Prometheus告警处理
第4章:Exporter详解 第4章:Exporter详解
第5章:数据与可视化 第5章:数据与可视化
第6章:集群与高可用 第6章:集群与高可用
第7章:Prometheus服务发现 第7章:Prometheus服务发现
第8章:监控Kubernetes 第8章:监控Kubernetes
第9章:Prometheus Operator 第9章:Prometheus Operator

Configuration Example

# Enable LDAP authentication, default is false
Enable = true
# Hostname or IP address of the LDAP server, client will connect to this server for authentication
Host = ''
# Port number of the LDAP server, default port is 389
Port = 389
# Starting point in the LDAP directory tree, all search operations will be performed under this base DN
BaseDn = 'dc=n9e,dc=com'
# User DN used to bind to the LDAP server
BindUser = 'cn=binduser,dc=n9e,dc=com'
# Password for the user binding to the LDAP server
BindPass = '1234'
# LDAP search filter for finding users, %s will be replaced with the actual username
AuthFilter = "(&(sAMAccountName=%s))"
# Whether to override user attributes, set to true means existing user attributes will be overwritten when synchronizing user information from LDAP
CoverAttributes = true
# Whether to override team settings
CoverTeams = false
# Whether to enable TLS connection
TLS = false
# Whether to enable StartTLS
StartTLS = false
# Default roles for users in the system
DefaultRoles = ['Guest']
# Default teams for users in the system
DefaultTeams = [21]

# User attribute mapping
# Maps to displayName in LDAP
Nickname = 'displayName'
# Maps to mobile in LDAP
Phone = 'mobile'
# Email maps to mail in LDAP
Email = 'mail'

Detailed Explanation of Basic Configuration

Enable = true is the switch for LDAP configuration;

Host = '' should be filled with the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server;

Port = 389 corresponds to the LDAP service port, default port is 389;

BaseDn = 'dc=n9e,dc=com' is the starting point of the LDAP service directory tree (as shown in the figure below);


BindUser = 'cn=binduser,dc=n9e,dc=com' is the user DN used to bind to the LDAP server. This user needs sufficient permissions to search for users and verify credentials; (this user needs to be created in LDAP first and set permissions)

BindPass = '1234' is the password for the user binding to the LDAP server;

Below is a simple example of LDAP configuration for creating binduser and acl:

1. Create bind user file binduser.ldif
root@9a90f3b798ee:/# cat binduser.ldif 
# Entry for bind user
# Note: Replace cn/dc related information
dn: cn=binduser,dc=n9e,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
cn: binduser
sn: Bind
uid: binduser
userPassword: 1234
uidNumber: 10000
gidNumber: 10000
homeDirectory: /home/binduser

2. Create bind user acl file
root@9a90f3b798ee:/# cat binduser-acl.ldif 
# Add ACL for bind user
dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcAccess
# Note: Replace dc/cn and other related information
olcAccess: to dn.subtree="dc=n9e,dc=com"
  by dn.exact="cn=binduser,dc=n9e,dc=com" read
  by * none
3. Create bind user, note to modify dc/cn information, fill in admin's password after -w parameter
ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=n9e,dc=com" -w 1234 -f binduser.ldif

4. Add bind user acl, note to modify dc/cn information, fill in admin's password after -w parameter
ldapmodify -x -D "cn=admin,dc=n9e,dc=com" -w 1234 -f binduser-acl.ldif


TLS = false option is true|false, enable according to LDAP settings.

StartTLS = false option is true|false, enable according to LDAP settings.

DefaultRoles = ['Guest'] sets the account permissions for LDAP accounts after logging into Nightingale, options are Admin/Standard/Guest;

DefaultTeams = [21] sets the business group ID that LDAP accounts belong to after logging into Nightingale (as shown in the figure below);


Other configurations can be kept default if there are no special needs. After modifying and saving the configuration information, you can test logging in with LDAP accounts.



快猫星云 联系方式 快猫星云 联系方式
快猫星云 联系方式
快猫星云 联系方式
快猫星云 联系方式