项目介绍 架构介绍
快速开始 快速开始
安装部署 安装部署
采集器 采集器
使用手册 使用手册
数据库表结构 数据库表结构
第1章:天降奇兵 第1章:天降奇兵
第2章:探索PromQL 第2章:探索PromQL
第3章:Prometheus告警处理 第3章:Prometheus告警处理
第4章:Exporter详解 第4章:Exporter详解
第5章:数据与可视化 第5章:数据与可视化
第6章:集群与高可用 第6章:集群与高可用
第7章:Prometheus服务发现 第7章:Prometheus服务发现
第8章:监控Kubernetes 第8章:监控Kubernetes
第9章:Prometheus Operator 第9章:Prometheus Operator

Alert suppression rules are a feature that temporarily disables alert notifications under specific conditions. By setting up suppression rules, unnecessary alerts can be avoided in certain situations, reducing disturbances. The suppression rules are commonly used in the following scenarios:

  1. Planned Maintenance: During planned maintenance, services or systems may be temporarily shut down, triggering a large number of alerts. By setting up suppression rules, alerts can be temporarily disabled during the maintenance period to avoid unnecessary disturbances.

  2. Known Issues Handling: For known issues that are already being addressed, we may not want to receive duplicate alerts. Suppression rules can be set up to temporarily stop those alerts until the issue is resolved.

  3. Temporary Suppression for Random Issues: During non-critical times, such as holidays or night hours, we may want to temporarily suppress some non-critical alert notifications. By setting up the active time of the rule, this need can be met, allowing us to focus on critical tasks.

Filtering Conditions

Suppression rules work like a funnel, filtering based on the conditions step by step, and only when all conditions are fully matched will the suppression occur.

Alert Suppression 001

Business Group: Suppression rules will only apply to alert events within the specified business group.

Data Source Type, Data Source, Event Level: Once set, these can filter the alert categories you want to suppress.

Event Tag Key: A core field for more refined filtering, improving the accuracy of suppression rules. All event tags in the alert can be used as filtering conditions.

Alert Suppression 002

Alert Suppression 003

Matching Operators: Currently, six operators are supported: ‘==’、’=~’、’!=’、’!~’、‘in’、’not in’.

Matching Operator Descriptions:

Alert Suppression 004

"==": Exact match for the tag value.

Suppress alerts that match the tag rulename with the value “Test Server Mounts Multiple Business Group Alerts.”

Alert Suppression 005

"=~": Match tag value using a regular expression.

Suppress alerts that match the regular expression for the tag ident, with values containing flashcat or v63-

Alert Suppression 006

"!=": Exact match (negation).

Suppress alerts where the tag ident value is not pushgw-flashcat02-

Alert Suppression 007

"!~": Do not match tag value using a regular expression (negation).

Suppress alerts where the tag ident value does not contain the keyword flashcat.

Alert Suppression 008


Suppress alerts where the ident tag value is flashcat01- or pushgw-flashcat02-

Alert Suppression 009

“not in”:

Suppress alerts where the ident tag value is neither flashcat01- nor pushgw-flashcat02-

Alert Suppression 010

Matching Logic: Multiple event tag matching conditions are filtered from top to bottom, with each condition linked by an “AND” relationship.

Matching Condition Range: All tags in the alert event.

Suppression Duration

The effective time range for a suppression strategy can be either one-time or cyclic.

Note: The triggertime of the alert event that needs to be suppressed must be within the suppression time range, otherwise the suppression rule will not take effect.

Alert Suppression 011

The suppression duration is set to exclude minute-level selection by default, but the start and end times of suppression can be specified to the minute and second.

Alert Suppression 012

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